Marko Gajšt Me

I’ve started my career in the best possible way: with no focus on money, purely explorational, and in a very chaotic manner.

Back then, as is still the case now, my interests went in a hundred different directions all at once. Creative areas were especially attractive to me. Development began as a purely creative process driven by the desire to produce something functional from nothing. Other forms of art I was involved in included writing, music (mostly electronic mixes using Cool Edit software), digital painting, and design. I always had in the back of my mind that I’d like to explore traditional areas of creativity, such as learning to play the piano and painting with watercolors and oil paints. These ambitions remain on my to-do list.

I strive for simplicity and order, both in my professional and everyday life. A well-organized space and a clear mind are of profound importance to me. While I value order and structure, I also understand the importance of chaos. In the absence of chaos, one becomes unprepared for the future. In calm times, chaos needs to be self-inflicted.

I strive to cultivate a Renaissance mindset. I enjoy reading about history, philosophy, and politics. I also have a great interest in biographies. I am profoundly interested in psychology, partly for personal interest and partly for professional reasons. Creating good products, especially in the field of human interfaces, demands an interest in the human psyche.

I recently took up woodworking, which is both very fulfilling and also somewhat frustrating because the “pixel perfect” mantra does not quite apply to it. I still like to run design software from time to time, but only for personal projects. Art is still on my mind, and if I am not creating something, I enjoy watching videos on the topic. I also love to travel as much as I can.

I enjoy cycling, preferably off-road on gravel, down hills, in forests, and near rivers and lakes.

Last but most importantly: I found and created my family. There’s nothing better than this. That does not mean in one’s life there’s only this. We have a duty to grow and strive to realize better versions of ourselves, to seek and learn. But there’s nothing better, nothing more important, than family.

You can read more about me by going to professional section.